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AAEP Dental Care “Ask the Vet” Columnist This Month is Yours Truly!

AAEP Columnist this month!

Just wanted you to know, I’m the dental care expert for AAEP this month. I’ll be answering horse owners’ questions on their website! What’s that, you say?  AAEP?  It’s the American Association of Equine Practitioners!


AAEP’s inviting you to…aaep

come on by and take a peek! Maybe your own questions will be answered there!

Other questions might be answered on this website here.

Did you know, there are plenty of images from Itika’s dentistry at the Auckland Zoo? They’re here. On the Blue Mist Equine Veterinary Centre portion of the website.

Check out the sites!


Take care out there!

Dr. Lizzi

It’s here, if the link stops working:  https://aaep.org/ask-the-vet/dental-care-your-horse