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M. bovis

NZ Government, DairyNZ and Beef+Lamb New Zealand Taking Responsibility to Attempt Eradication of M. bovis Before it Becomes Endemic

Hi all.

Good things and bad things. Bad because of the number of animals we’ll have to cull and good because our current government is standing up and doing what needs to be done to prevent more pain and suffering of animals and our economy in the long run.

It may be too late, but looks like we’re going to give it our best shot.  I’ve been impressed, under the circumstances they’re living with, with the support the farmers are showing on the pages I follow and contribute to, for doing the responsible thing for the long run of our national herd, starting with themselves. Bloody hard thing.

My hat’s off to them in a big, big way.

We’ve had an update. Head on over to my <u>M. bovis</u> page here to see the press update and detailed Q & A, as well as the NZVA President’s statement.


M. bovis

M. bovis (Mycoplasma bovis) in NZ

Hi all, we’re having a serious problem with M. bovis, or  Mycoplasma bovis in NZ. It is not yet endemic here, as it in many other places.

Many people locally have been getting increasingly frustrated at the lack of information they’ve been able to find and asked for more specifics. People told me they want more information than they’re getting from the media.

I put something together for those of you who are interested on my veterinary website.

Four hours ago I created and shared the below page on only four FB pages and in that time, that new webpage has taken almost 500 hits.

I’m just a horse vet, but I can at least try to decipher some vet language for you and let you get the info…  straight from the horse’s mouth, as it were.

Here’s the link:

My best wishes to all of you and your beasties in this trying time.
