Equi-Still -- Elizabeth Thompson DVM MANZCVS's Equi-Still Portable horse equine stocks Equi Still Stocks Equistill Stocks Equi-Still Portable Equine Horse Stocks

AAEP 2017

We had a great time exhibiting at AAEP in San Antonio, Texas in November 2017!

Thank you so much to Dr. Lynn Caldwell for helping us out with prep and in the booth throughout the show,

and to son Elliot for coming along to assist manning the booth.

A little break during setup


Matthew and I sure appreciated the help, especially when it got busy! Thanks to AAEP for putting on such a great program and a great show! I made it to as many lectures as I could, thanks so much, guys!

Great job, Matt!

Thanks to those of you who dropped by to see us and stayed awhile! Loved your questions and have taken on board all comments!

We had some very small visitors…


And some bigger ones, but they were all very interested in the stocks! It was great to meet everyone! The view coming down the escalator was of our stocks, covered in fairy lights! Great idea, Lynn!

View from the escalator! Fairy lights!


Sold quite a few books, with all the horsey people there!  My writing is… slightly horsey… 🙂  (I write historical fiction as Lizzi Tremayne… post injury… and I liked it so much, I kept going!)



Elliot and I took advantage of the fact we could eat Mexican food again… and again… and again. Serious Mexican food is virtually nonexistent in NZ… I was so lucky Elliot, who spent the first half of the week alone with me, loves Tex-Mex as much as I do! Especially the little hole-in-the-walls where little to no English is spoken!  Did we eat it all week in Texas, and on the rest of the trip?   YES. Definitely.


We stayed at the glorious old Menger Hotel across from the Alamo and had a celebratory dinner after AAEP was finished. That’s Matt on the far right. And one of my sons, Elliot, with me beside the tree at the Menger. The lovely lady on the right, Sara, the manager at the Menger restaurant, helped us with bits and pieces for our booth. Thank you, Sara!


We took a celebratory drive with a new friend Shyann (on the left next to Matt), an accomplished young carriage driver for Lollipop Carriage Company, who LOVES her horses,


AAEPand had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner in Texas. That’s Elliot beside me.


Finally, we drove around… a LONG way around… showing the stocks and finally delivered them to their temporary home, en route to our new manufacturers. Thanks so much to Cliff and Lorie!!!

Looking forward to seeing you all next year at AAEP San Francisco 2018!


Questions? Flick us a message on our Contact Us page!